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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  December 10, 2013 1:00pm-2:01pm PST

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leaders and a few u.s. presidents. the committee gave out the first prize 112 years ago today. good to have you with us. the dow a little bit on the session. when news breaks out, we'll break in. until then have a great one. >> take a very close look at this. nearly 70% of the country covered in snow. that's something we have not seen in ten years. it's true. overnight subzero temps have not hid chicago this early in 18 years and now americans are being warned, if they want to get the gifts off the ground on time, get them out and now. >> welcome everybody. i'm neil cavuto. fox on top of one winter storm leaving and another one arriving. we have david lee miller in times square, and jap is in dean on the winter storms that keep happening time after time after time. we again with david.
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>> reporter: well, you can see for yourself, the snow here in new york city has finally stopped. but the weather-related problems have not. for many its -- ites -- it is going to be a very rough commute but could have been worse. the forecast efforts downgraded the impact of the storm. the governor in new york state activated the state of emergency operation center because areas in the suburbs and upstate have more storm impact, especially hard hit, the city of philadelphia. that city still reeling from more than eight inches of snow it received on sunday. it got hit again today with up to six more inches. school kid had the day off. schools were also closed in delware, west virginia, and maryland, and in washington, nonemergency federal workers were told they didn't have to go to the office today. they can telecommute, and that will make a very big difference in this afternoon's rush hour. meanwhile, major delays and kansas las vegases at a number of airports, and ups says, for
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the most part now, it is business as usual, except in the state of arkansas. fedex is reporting delays in some areas still digging out from the storms. christmas shoppers, they remain nervous. fearful the gifts smooth not make it in time. >> definitely worried to make sure everything gets here. >> i just hope that everybody gets their pagans. >> when it -- their packages. >> you can't get stuff shipped to your family members, it's kind of -- it stinks its won't be there for christmas. >> for those keeping track, there are 12 shipping days left until christmas. the shippers say not to worry, but, neil, the forecasters say, another storm is coming, and it could arrive by the end of the week. back to you. >> aren't you just the bearer of great news. thank you.
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janice dean. the weather hits keep on coming. >> unfortunately we have another storm wait neglect -- waiting in the wings and could rival this one and the one we saw over the weekend. here's the latest storm that brought us the fancy hat on david lee miller, across the northeast. it's exiting. we still have a little snow over new england, but we're pretty much done, and we saw three to six inches. the lows are going to be really cold in the northeast over the next several days. single digits, into the teens and 20s. and that is the case across the upper midwest and the northern plains where the wind chill is making it feel frigid, dangerous, wind chill was in effect for the upper midwest, where it's going to be dangerously cold and people are urged to stay indoors. okay. so, here is our next weathermaker. saturday into sunday. our low pressure, could be our nor'easter, and we think right now it's going to be mainly rain
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along the coast but the positioning could wrap some cold air and we could see a little more snow for the big cities saturday, into sunday. let's take a look at one of the forecast models showing us that perhaps the snowfall totals exceeding six inches, many even 12 or 18 inches towards new england. so we're going to continue to monitor this, neil. people across the northeast are going to be sort of really, really depending on their forecasters, their local forecasters, but all indications are we're going to have something happening this weekend. how strong the exact impact, how close the low comes ashore, still yet to be determined. this one looks like it could be a pretty big one. back to you. >> we'll have to all wear david lee's hat. he look goods in it. in the middle hoff the deep freeze, we have this. >> some time now, melting ice
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here. the north pole has made our operations and our day-to-day life intolerable and impossible. and there may be no alternative but to cancel christmas. >> i mean, is this the blair north pole project? are you kidding me? using theater to scare people about global warming. filmmaker is not at all surprise himself latest film is a lot more fun and more informative. what do you think of this? this is going a bit too far. >> this is what they do. they use any means necessary. they see this as a moral war, and any means necessary to scare people, and even in the midst of
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freezing, freezing, freezing weather, this is to scare everybody, telling children that santa claus' home is going to melt away. it's despicable, but it's not shocking. >> it does say something about the chutzpah of green peace to say you have the power to cancel christmas. i'm wondering to what end? at this time of year do you actually see something like this boomerang on you? whatever your thoughts on global warming and whether we're behind and it destroying things or whatever. >> i don't know. global warming -- seems to be a kind of religious hold on some people. i mean, rutgers university just released a report saying it's going to be really cold, i think it's the european academy of sciences -- the national research council in america says there will be no more cold winters and the pine beetle will
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destroy the forests because they're not killed off. every weather event is a proof of global warming and facts don't get in the way. facts in front of your eyes, two feet of snow, doesn't -- >> you're right -- >> that globe warming is not happening. >> i remember quite distinctly to your earlier point about the forecast that in future winters would we would be rung -- running around in our bathing suits. now the stuff we're seeing now is part of global warming in a way to justify this so they can kind of have their snowy cake and eat it too. >> there's a famous article on the front panel of the independent newspaper in how to 2000 that children would have to put their sleds away no more sledding for children. they wouldn't know what snow is. i have been in winters in the uk, let me tell you these last
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few years are they know what snow is. we know what snow is here in the u.s. but then again, just changed the rules. this is another person's global warming. it's a little bit sad. a little pathetic. quite needy they have to be relevant. just can't accept that the weather changes, and that human beings will adapt and that it's really cold in finland but they're really successful in and prosperous there. >> going after accept. come -- going after santa. the last straw. >> no, no, they're capable of all sort0s things. phil meeker in the uk released a scare everyone video showing people exploding. >> amazing. >> this is what they do. i want to say to the children, don't worry, santa's home will -- look outside. santa's home will be fine for a long, long time to come andure presents will arrive. >> and santa does not sound like
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darth vadar. >> things are heating up. the white house is hoping this guy will keep democrats from getting rolled over. mitch mcconnell is here to say, good luck with that.
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call him mr. fix it or democrats hope he is. john podesta did wonders for president clinton after the whole monica lewinski mess. the white house is hiring him as a top adviser. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell on what he makes of all of this. senator, good to have you. >> i don't think albert einstein
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could fix the obamacare problem. their problem is the substantive obamacare and how it's impacting america in all kinds of negative ways. >> even president clinton said give this four or five months, we'll get this up and running, people will forget about this. what do you think of this? >> they'll get the web site fixed but the problem is, if people like their healthcare and can keep it, and they were told by the president they can keep her health care, they can keep their doctor. not true. this can't possibly work. sooner or later they'll fix the web site, but you have the substance of the problem. over a trillion dollars of impact on the providers of health care, cuts to hospitals and hospice and nursing homes, tax -- excuse me -- tax increases on medical devices and insurance premiums, and then on the consumer side, the consumers of health care, rising insurance
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premiums, jobs being lost, and you don't get to keep the doctor or the insurance policy you like. this is bigger than a web site. >> so when the administration says, let's work with republicans and fix it, tom delay was on not too long ago, the former republican leader in the house, saying, don't do that. let this fall of its own accord. don't do anything to fix this monstrosity. i'm paraphrase but that's what he says. do you agree with that? >> yeah. it's not fixable, and the president said he doesn't want to change it. he's going to spend the last three years of his term in office defending the legislation. so, he is not interested in changing it either. we're going to be experiencing the impact of this monstrosity for years to come. until, until the american people decide to change the government, and if they decide to change the government, we'll pull it out
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root and branch and go in a different direction and work on the problem of costs, which could have been dealt with in an entirely different way, threw competitive models, than this big government, big spending takeover of american health care that is obamacare. >> what did you think of the approach that ted cruz had? do you think it was a misguided mission? >> we certainly were not going to get obamacare defunded by shutting down the government with a democratic senate and a democratic president. we reside all love to get rid of obamacare. we have a math problem inch the senate, 55 democrats and ha republicans and a president who thinks it's a wonderful thing. >> did you say it was a wasted effort? >> i said this back in july quite public limp it couldn't work. didn't work. we agree on the goal. but the way to get rid of obamacare is to change the government. change the senate in november 2014, and change the white house in november 2016. that's the way you get rid of
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obamacare. >> some interpret that as being antitea party at the time and they said some of your recent statements double down on the notion you. said recently the senate -- they're participating in ruining the republican brand. they mislead donors into believing the reason we can't get as good an outcome as we'd like to get is not because of a democratic senate but because republicans are insufficiently committed to the cause, which is utter nonsense. now, that sounds like what john mccain told me pretty much word for word, but do you recollection and do you mine -- do you risk and do you mind it sounds like a rino? >> let me make it clear. i'm a big fan of the tea party movement. it's been extremely important in helping us the house and do well in the senate in 2010. there is one particular organization that i was talking
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about, which i think has been counterproductive, but i think the movement -- >> that senate conservative fund is -- has a lot of big tea party backing. >> one of a number of different tea party groups. the one i think has engaged in outrageous behavior that cost us seats. i'm a big fan of the tea party at large. i think the whole movement devoted to trying to do something about government spending and debt has been very, very helpful to the conservative cause. >> in the meanwhile, senator, you have been very alarmed by michigan that has been going underneath the surface of this. media missing the appointments on the part of the president, including beefing up the nlrb that's gone unnoticed or now with them blowing up the phil filibuster thing, underreported if reported at all. what's your concern? >> a couple of years ago the president made what is called recess appointments when the senate was still in session.
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we are in court on that. it will be before the supreme court in early part of next year. my lawyer is in fact the lawyer for the senate republicans have been given 15 minutes of the oral argument. we think the court is going to slap the president down for assuming that he got to decide under the constitution when the senate is in session. in addition, you mentioned, senate democrats have now made it easier for obama judges and obama executive branch appointees to be steam rolled through the senate, and it's perfectly clear that since they lost the election in 2010, they're now trying to achieve what they can't achieve legislatively, through the courts, and through the regulators, the bureaucrats. it's a government that will do anything. the president said, if you have your health insurance, you can keep it. senator reid said at the beginning of the year, we have settled the senate rules
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question. obviously neither one of those observations and neither one of those commitments were true. they knew -- >> do you think they lied at the time in senator? there's a bag and forth whether the president was ignorant or deliberately misled. >> i think the president had to know that was not accurate. let me put it that way. he had to know that was not accurate. and we said it back during the debate in 2009. it was perfectly apparent pat if the got took over the health insurance market, things like that couldn't possibly be true, and the reason i equate that, there was a senate democrats did, the senate major yet leader, senator reid, say at the beginning of the year we settled the issue of what the senate rules will be for the next two years, inflame he dvded -- until he decided to do otherwise. they wanted to exercise power. they wanted to pack the courts and pack the bureaucracy with little 0 nor oversight -- little or no oversight from the senate which has exactly that
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responsibility to advise and consent, to determine whether or not appointments will be confirmed. >> let me ask you this. let's say republicans take the senate next year, and you hang on and fight off a party -- interparty challenger and win. and then re-elected leader of the republicans. would you as then majority leader keep this rule in effect or would you move to put the kibosh on it? >> that will be a big discussion to have a year from now as we're about to take over the senate. there's a great likelihood we will get to take over the senate and we'll have to decide whether we want to act like they did when they were in the majority. i don't know what our view will be 12 months from now if we're about to be given the governing responsibility for the senate, if i'm about to be given the opportunity to set the agenda instead of harry reid. this will be an important discussion. >> it would be a good tit-for-tat.
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this is what you wanted. >> it will certainly be discussed, i can tell you that. >> would you be leaning too keep it or kill it? >> i'd be -- we reside be -- we'd be talking about it a year from now. >> senator mcconnell, always a pressure. >> thank you, neil. >> hey, you millenials, cross the ipad off your wish list. mom and dad have other plans for you. what do you think is in that box?
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forget the hottest gifts like xboxs or ipadded under your tree. get ready for obamacare. trace on the case in l.a. mr. gallagher? >> when you have to get santa claus involved you know there's a good chance that young people aren't signing up in droves for obamacare. in california, the state
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exchange said at last check the number of young people signing up for obamacare was very low and as we all know, if you don't get the young invincibles to sign up you have trouble paying for those who are older and sicker. so now instead of going directly after young people, the state exchange is targeting their parents and grandparents and relatives to push their young loved ones to sign up for obamacare. there's a few ways you can do it. nudge them by, one, sending them an e-mail that says, and i'm quoting here, this holiday season, i'm giving you a priceless gift. the gift of health. now, for some reason, if that e-mail doesn't work, the state is suggesting you sit down and have a heart-to-heart with your young relatives, even off everring -- offering some conversation topics. find a plan that is right for you that fits you budgeter and financial assistance is available, and saying if you don't sign up by march 1, 2014,
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you'll start paying a penalty. and if neither one of those work, you're left with one last strategy, which is, the obamacare gift certificate. you just slide it under the tree and off they go. it not really a gift certificate because you can't exchange it for a healthcare plan so it's more of a suggestion certificate to get you kind of motivated to get obamacare. not really sure how popular these are going to be come criminal morning, -- come christmas morning. but the state needs a lot of young people to sign up. >> glad you give you toys 'r' us for that one. amazing, trace, thank you. if millenials want to opt out, michelle says parents should butt out. michelle, for the parent whose are considering this, what are you saying? >> well, i think if there's anyone watching who is considering getting this for this kid, expect to wake up to some very unhappy faces christmas morning.
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this is not what millenials want. they don't want an obama ecard that says they have a month's worth of obamacare or a year's worth, and if this law is so affordable, why do they now have to get adults to pay for all the young people's health insurance? i thought this law was supposed to make it affordable. >> what's also odd, too, the law provides for keeping kids on your own policy until they're 26 so i guess this is for kids who are older than 26. so, then the next question becomes, what are you doing here? but that is beside the point. i'm wondering weather this will resonate or help? >> i don't think so. i don't think people are going to get this for their kids. look at california. right now california is having a very tough time getting young people, most of the people who are signing up are older. 36% of the people who sign up are between the ages of 55 and 64. yet they only make up 11% of the
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state's population. young people don't want to sign up because they know they're being overcharged for a product because they're subsidizing the -- >> look at is this way. trying to give the benefit of the doubt, fair and balanced. maybe if home and dad pick up the first year to get you in obamacare, you'll be able to do it yourself, and maybe you'll see the light, what i'm doing, and the kid might fight it now but longer term will say, thank you very much for getting me covered when i could least afford it. >> i think that most young people that you speak to would rather have their parents help them pay off owl the student loops they have. i don't think their number one priority is health care. i don't think -- >> you're striking me as you and your generation are being very greed and and needy. this is when you get on your parents' nerves. >> you could be right. i have yet to hear one young person say, i hope -- >> i hope you don't get this for
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your kids, neil. >> i don't know. very well put, michele. thank you very much. you know the guy, always on his phone. everyone can hear his conversation. now imagine that guy next to you on a plane to tibet, 30,000 feet in the air. this could happen. and now, it's up to a few brave souls in congress to make sure it doesn't.
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you know those loud yappers on their cell phones? can't get away from them. imagine being stuck on a plane next to one? a handful of lawmakers are scrambling to keep cell phones out of these guy's hands. one says let the people talk. rebecca says give them some peace and quiet. you say no big deal, let them talk? >> i think there are concerns about people talking talking tad distracks on plain but this is the option they're giving to airline. >> it's not an option for me sitting -- >> that's right. i think there some airlines that might find it attractive and some passengers. what kinds to mind i a commuter flight. the majority of passengers are business travelers. >> you can e-mail. >> i don't know anybody would be that distracted, and may get
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everybody going for their big day in chicago. >> absolutely not. they legislators have a right idea ban it across the board. >> you wouldn't extend that to e-mailing. >> e-mailing, this is just about phone calls. e-mailing and any form of text you can do while you're on your computer, e-mailing is fine. it's silent. i have a right to privacy on my little seat. my seat isn't protected. there's no bubble around me so i can't hear the person who is literally right next to me. >> not enclosed. >> a pod. >> but -- the rules of etiquette for a lot of folks, no need to shout into it. i don't know why people do that. >> come on. at it all obnoxious and rude and i don't want to hear you conversation. what i want to go to sleep or relax. you can type your whole message, type, type, type.
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>> your point -- it doesn't make any sense. >> at the end of the day, gives the airlinesion. might be a target market for it. none of the airlines may -- >> i think they will because people -- just like not the. -- >> they tried it in 2007 and there was such a big backlash they blocked it again. so it would be interesting to see if that it going to happen. there are some real concerns about extractions -- distractions and staff managing it. >> there will be a surcharge. use your cell phone on the plane, you'll pay extra. >> going to ban outrageous fee -- >> can you imagine 200 people on a flight -- >> so ridiculous, let the legislation ban it, because if airlines are having problems already financially. if they see this as a cost measure they can make some money -- >> they'll make a ton of money.
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>> exactly. >> who would have thought the day would have been you would be charged for an aisle seat or a seat that had an inch more room? >> or a blanket. >> have to understand there's additional costs for the airlines to implement the equipment, so that's something for them to think about. >> they have it in place generally. >> no, apparently there's extra equipment they have to have. >> i understand that but not going to be a huge cost. >> at the end of the day, do they have the right to have that communication? that's what we're talking about. >> no. >> use common sense and etiquette and don't shout into the phone. technology is there's no need to do that. but i'm always next to the guy, hello! i'm going to fire you! who are you talking to? yesterday you heard the panera ceo tell congress to get with it or get out. and the ceo of semi conductor is saying even worse. >> lower
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lil lilo::::.
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have to demand of ourselves, not of them, but of ourselves, that we don't accept this politics of blame. the politics of kicking the can down the street. we have to hold them accountable. >> the panera ceo with a senior message for congress, do something, get it done soon, move the ball forward. the ceo of semi conductor has been arguing the same but they don't. they come with piecemeal deals that aren't deals and a budget that doesn't look like much. what do you think? >> can you hear me? >> yes. well, you know, you can argue they should be doing something. unfortunately over the last two administrations, everytime they do something i don't like, the republicans, under the last administration, acted like
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democratic big spenders, and the democratic practices of freedom are spying on us and attacking immigrants and the new administration has got democrats acting like the worst republicans and the republicans acting like the worst democrats. so i'm almost happy for the dead lock. at least it keeps bad things from happening. >> but keeps big good things from possibly happening, like entitlement reform, so i can appreciate better to do nothing than in of the things you're kicking around but some things that have to be kicked around they're not even addressing. >> well, you are right. of course, entitlement reform is one of the things that will break the country. we have seen it happen in the cities cities and can happen nationally. i guess die have confidence in entitlement reform with all the entrenched special interests? i'm not a very hopeful that we'll see entitlement reform.
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i'm hoping we 'get something who lets the ranks of the government shrink down to become affordable. >> always been talk there's a pox on both party's houses. the president's approval ratings are not great. congress' are abysmal. so maybe an opening for a third party, some say a tea party. some say a hybrid party. where do you stand on that? >> i'm not hopeful a third party can do anything, but -- do anything that is get elected. the party i would check would be the libertarian party. they're never going to get elected. they're wrongly associated too much with the tea party. if you remember, ross perot and his third party, even though he only got 18% of the vote, he shook things um. he talk about problems and ways to solve problems and the other politics couldn't play politic. they head to react to
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competition. >> do you think the system of -- corporate ceos, there's no confidence these guys can get it done. very little respect for them on either side, and that the guys like you go about or try to go about doing your business and squeezing out as much as you can from every moral earnings some make the best of it because you have very little faith that washington is going to address any of your worries. >> well, i like to take your question and just make it a declarative. i have very little confidence they can get things done. don't give money to them. and basically i do my best to keep the company running. that's my moral obligation and my job. and i kind of have faith, if you remember back to the first george bush, he said he wouldn't raise taxes, and then he tried to raise taxes and got treason out of office -- thrown out of office of one term. there's some limit that the american people won't tolerate, and after a while, they'll keep
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pushing the limit, and i'm not going to waste my time fighting them on their limits but after a while they're going to say, you're out of there. we're going to try somebody else. so, i do my job and pretty much ignore what goes on in washington. i know that sounds up patriotic and that i maybe should be mow h more of an activist, but i spent a lot of time and i don't see it as a productive use of my time. >> you started saying that you would try to be -- when you first took over the helm, ike goal to try to say what i mean and mean what i say and do what i say. the rap against the president and those who proposed the healthcare law and got it going is that either they were clueless about how bad it was going out, or deliberately deceitful. bottom line, we're dealing with a technological disaster. can they overcome that and win that trust back? >> the current administration
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certainly can't. i'm kind of watching the collapse against the current administration. it's always been a light-weight administration that didn't get it. there's no business sense to it. they don't have the connections to business. they -- >> the white house is handling that feed and we apologytime. i don't know what happened. i have no idea what happened. cj rogers, we apologize for that and to him. >> if republicans split, will they just go splat? hi, i'm terry and i have diabetic nerve pain.
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it's hard to describe, because you have a numbness, but yet you have the pain like thousands of needles sticking in your foot. it was progressively getting worse, and at that point i knew i had to do something. once i started taking the lyrica the pain started subsiding. [ male announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica.
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don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. >> two exclusive very views, one very big problem for the grand old party. >> i wasn't a fan the way he welcomed barack obama into new
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jersey when sandy hit. >> do you think he overdid it? >> i would have preferred -- i don't know he had any other choice in terms of what he was supposed to be doing for the people of new jersey. just like all of us, we carry what we have done in the past around with us. >> this guy can get it done. what washington needs now is one strong leader. unfortunately, -- >> how do you now he's that guy? >> i'm watching -- >> don't think it's ted cruz or rand paul. >> absolutely not. >> if they got -- >> if we're not going to get to the senate we can't win. >> i don't think i'm imagining things, there are very, very clear differences between the republican party about what they want to be the future of the republican party, it's said signaling even bigger problems with the party if they don't sort this out.
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does not appear, floyd, they are, or something that comes in due course? >> well, it's early. we're two years from the iowa caucuses. they did have a couple of shocks and sort of of shocks and sort of insights over the past couple of months. one was the shutdown. i think they realized there are limits as to what one wing of the party can do in terms of taking over the strategy. but they are getting new life with the collapse of the obama care and the president's approval problems. here in colorado, christy is eight points ahead of hillary clinton. obama is hurting the ticket so i think the party is getting the idea they could win. not only in pos 14 for the senate -- in '14 for the senate but also in '16. >> going into the election, it
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looks okay, but the fact of the matter is this party since has been able to claim and drag o out -- defeat from the clear jaws of victory and who is to say they won't screw up again and what could risk that. >> you are right. and there are a lot of things that could happen between now and 2014. but it was the nominees they came up in several senate seats that really hurt them. >> right, right. >> as i say, i guess my sense is they have now had a long session of learning on this. so that if they are even remotely pragmatic, they want to find a person who is both going to shake up washington, but also has a track record of getting things done. because it looks now, for example, even the discussions on the budget, that both sides recognize that the public is so unhappy with washington, d.c. that they need to accomplish something. that is true especially of the
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republicans. >> but what they are accomplishing in the budget is not much, maybe just advancing the ball and not shutting down the government but not a lot as far as big entitlement. i guess both sides say that will have to wait. >> absolutely. but to some extent they are trying to minimize the damage and leave town in reasonably good shape. as you know, when your opponent is really falling apart, and that is essentially still going on with obama with bad headlines almost on a daily basis, it is best to get out of the way. and i think that is what they would like to get out -- get out of the way and that's what they would like to do. >> i'm sorry, they are back in the per verbal driver's chair. but with chris christie, this argument that you need a governor to win in a blue state. but didn't mitt romney win in a blue state. so is that always the litmus
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test? >> i would be surprised if he could deliver it. i think chris christie is a very strong candidate right now. he's got great national name identification and he's quite popular. but you remember it was eight years ago mayor giuliani was popular, he had no really core constituency in the party and then you talk about iowa, new hampshire and south carolina, you have to have that con stittu epsy and for me that is not clear yet on govern chris christie. >> floyd, it is early. thank you. do you want to be laughed at in the media, try challenging precious views in the media. and then i welcome it and say to hell with you.
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finally, you know, every
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club has common sense. guys without money are good, guys with money are bad. and it is ingrained in all media and has been for, like, ever, don't believe me, then i dare you to find me a movie where business wasn't rich and the guy wasn't awful. whether it is poor george bailey battling a heartless banker in its a wonderful life or a company stamping on penguins happy feet. same movie, all of the time. that is not to say there are not bad bankers, there are, or slippery oil men, there are. but there are jerks in other industries, but you wouldn't know that given this media knee-jerk to port way them that way. as all priests being pedophile
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or dwubling the -- doubling the minimum wage as greedy, but in my media club, you get the club to your head if you dare challenge those views in the media, if you dare point out the top 40% of taxpayers paid all of the taxes and the top 5%, about half of all of those taxes. some say they should because, after all, they have it. and everyone else gets a pass because i guess they don't. that is not fair, it is not balanced or right, just like it is not right to call all priests pathetic, because some are prophetic. maybe some of those questioning the fast food workers worry about those workers losing their job. they are not thoughtless, they are thinking. maybe people are just wondering what the heck washington did
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with the hundreds of billion of what the government did with the money for roads and bridges. it is not selfish to demand accountability, it is stupid not to find it important. but woe to the media figure that figures that figures matters, that and cents matters, that questioning how one out of three people in this country are getting some form of food assistance in this country means that something must be very wrong in this country. now they are not poor, starving americans who generally need help, they are starving for answers for americans who pay for this help. gladly, but not stupidly, kindly but not cluelessly. you know the rich need no lobby, but i'm telling you common sense does. because i don't know about you, but i've known rich jerks and poor jerks. let's just say the jerkery knows no pedigree. john kennedy said we all breathe the same air, he does not say
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that gives us license to all the air -- to all be air heads. think about it. challenge consensus, question where the cash goes. have a heart, but don't be stupid. see you tonight at 8:00. i'm eric bolling, with bob beckel, kimberly guilfoyle, greg gutfeld and daip. this is "the five." in the news today, obama care from the mind of larry the cable guy in a minute. but first president obama is taking heat from right wingers like me for doing things with world leaders that we find questionable. the saudis and the handshake with dictator hugo chavez and then this morning our commander-in-chief decided to shake hands with raul castro. mr.


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